Our Cornerstones


an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.
“a national minimum wage remained the cornerstone of policy”
synonyms:   foundation, basis, keystone, mainspring, mainstay, linchpin,
bedrock, base, backbone, key, centerpiece, core, heart, center, crux
“trust is a cornerstone of human relations”

Definition provided by Google


We recognize that there are many attributes which define a successful organization and its members. Of those, we have selected four which hold particular meaning to our unique organization; Training, Community Support, Leadership Development, and Networking.

The EMS Road Docs of Illinois places high value on training. In times of crisis a well trained responder acts with confidence and effectiveness because they have the training which was then reinforced through skills demonstration.

Our training includes the following:

  • CPR/AED Training.  We provide numerous opportunities throughout the year to take the American Heart Association’s Heartsaver CPR/AED class.
  • First Responder-First Aid Training.  We provide numerous opportunities throughout the year to take the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons First Responder-First Aid class.
  • Additional more advanced classes are also offered on a regular basis.  The Advanced Medical Responder class, for example.
  • We also facilitate access to other training opportunities such as the Illinois Department of Transportation’s Traffic Incident Management class and other disaster/incident specific coursework.

Community Support
It is easy to sit back and be an armchair quarterback and little effort is required to post or copy memes on social media sites. But being involved in that way without also being part of the solution is of little value to the community.

The EMS Road Docs of Illinois promotes actively engaging in being part of the solution primarily through community service.  Our St. Jude’s Hospital visitation and Hines VA Hospital Veterans BBQ would be two such examples of many.

Supporting our communities through volunteering is important because volunteering teaches people of all ages and backgrounds compassion and understanding.  By volunteering for, or hosting events show that we are passionate about our community and our desire to give back to that community.

“To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own.” – Abraham Lincoln

The EMS Road Docs of Illinois recognizes that leadership skills are developed and enhanced through volunteerism.

We encourage all member to take an active role in our organization.  Volunteers learn valuable planning and organizational skills such as planning effective meetings, organizing events, budgeting time and money, coordinating the efforts of others, delegating roles, goal setting, and tracking results.  These skills are critical for leaders in all organizations.

The EMS Road Docs of Illinois promotes and encourages networking. Amongst the reasons we promote networking:

  • Networking develops relationships of all kinds.  Personal friendships, business relationships, community relationships, etc.  In turn, networking develops a support system which is a valued asset on any level.
  • Networking provides opportunities of all kinds.
  • Networking often leads to low-cost or free professional advice.
  • Networking gains assistance.  People, organizations, businesses will promote those that promote them.
  • Networking results in positive influence.  By networking you gain access to others who can positively influence you or influence on your behalf.

Networking is a way to extend your reach; whether as an individual, business, or organization.  It has an inherent benefit of positive growth – individually or corporately.